So I was at a wedding on the weekend of one of my dearest university girlfriends. She’s finally met the love of her life and there was one hell of a celebration! I was really really happy for her. But also a bit nervous. I was seeing girlfriends I hadn’t seen for years, and was worried about how I would come across, how I would look, have I done well enough in life, would there be the inevitable questions about why I don’t have an ‘other half’ yet?
So after choosing the dress and making sure my hair and make up was good, I arrived at the wedding and had a huge realisation. No one really cared that much! It wasn’t about me, we were hear to celebrate Lauren’s day and have a good time. Here’s something else I realised. Lauren is lovely and so are her girlfriends.
These women knew me when I was a girl (but thought I was a grown up!) and we have seen each other’s mistakes and successes and will take each other’s secrets to the grave (I hope!!) and there’s nothing better than being around people who knew you before you were the ‘you’ you are today.
Life can be so hectic, I found myself dancing to S Club 7’s Don’t Stop Moving and wishing for the days when I was a young and carefree student again.
We all have worries and insecurities but most of the time they are bigger in our heads than they really are to the outside world. Most people don’t have time to be analysing everything you do or say so cut yourself, and them, some slack.
I was reminded on the weekend of all the wonderful strong women I have in my life, even if I don’t see them often enough. We have a past and friendships together that we’ll always share and I hope we’ll be there to celebrate the triumphs and carry each other through not so good times in our future. So I implore you seek out the people in your life that you love and say hi and reconnect.
There’s nothing more important than human connections, and I’m very glad I got to spend the weekend reconnecting with some of mine.
