Service Pricing
Scroll to see our pricing and visit our FAQs for more information. For detailed pricing and personalised plans, please get in touch. Ready to begin your journey to optimum vitality? Book your consultation below...

Initial Consultation
(Based on coming with or without own test results)
Initial Follow Up
Review Appointment
Prescription Request Outside of Appointment
Female Profiling
Male Profiling
Thyroid Profile
General Health Blood Profile
Insulin Resistance Testing
Genomic Testing
Gut Health Testing
Glycan Age Test
Tricho Test for Hair
There are a limited number of appointments available each month, with a discount for key workers or individuals on lower incomes. Please enquire directly.
"My symptoms are almost 100% better in just under 2 months – quite a difference to how I was before! The fact that Dr Roked is a practising GP gives one more confidence. It means that she can view the whole picture from a conventional medical point of view and also from a natural/holistic view."
- Jeanette
“Dr Sohère is fantastic! She really listens you and enables you to reach your own goals, however big or small they might be. I have total trust in her which is something I have never experienced before with health care professionals. She will put you at ease right from the get-go, and her friendly, approachable and good nature will help you progress and see the bigger picture.”
- Sarah
"Fast forward 5 years and there is no comparison to how I felt before treatment and it’s been life changing (actually come to think of it probably lifesaving). Since I settled on a treatment that works for me I haven’t suffered a single minute of depression, I am so happy, I can think more clearly and rationally, I have so much more energy and confidence than I have every had and I feel amazing."
- Mike
“As a medical doctor myself, I thought I knew everything about health care. How wrong I was! Dr. Roked’s unique approach has opened my eyes to really achieving true wellness. Her assistance has helped me have enough energy to train for a marathon in April, and her personalised supplement plan has kept the winter illnesses away from me. I was a sceptic at first, but now I’ve seen the results for myself first-hand and I really believe in this type of health care.”
- Martin
"I have been under the very special holistic guidance of Dr Sohère Roked for many years. Dr Sohère has helped me so much. I cannot emphasize enough her holistic approach, which is perfect for me, her special care of bio-identical hormones and advice on other things to help with perimenopause…I really don’t know what I’d do without her! Her patience, understanding, support and care has been my savior and to a lot of other women too. I can’t recommend Dr Sohère enough."
- Hayley
"I have been a client of Dr Roked for many years now, I have found her to be supportive, kind & extremely well informed & knowledgeable. We have collaborated together on my Thyroid issues & hormone therapy & through this I have reached a place of hormone & thyroid stabilisation. I am very grateful for this & know my health is in safe hands. Thank you! I can highly recommend working with Dr Roked."
- Helen